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Goodbye Ctrl+S!

Posted on 2021-03-19 14:53:52


If you’re a ‘mature’ user of computers, like me, you probably still have Ctrl+S baked into your left hand’s muscle memory.

And you bang the combination into your keyboard to save your document after every little change. Probably without even thinking about it.

I have a declaration to make: We have a duty to remove this autonomic twitch from future generations. Or, put another way…

Together, we can make Ctrl+S history!

Software now is way smarter than it was "back in the day." Now, it assumes you want to save the work you just entered into the computer. Sounds simple, but it's a downright revolutionary step in the right direction. 

For example, when you use Microsoft Office with OneDrive through your web browser, your work is automatically saved every few seconds.

It’ll give you a full version history too. So, if you get yourself into trouble or go down the wrong path, you can travel back in time to restore a previous version of your work.

No more having to press Ctrl+S, means no more risk of losing work.

And… relax…

So get your left hand back. Let’s get you set up with the modern way to create documents. 



Charlie Coutts, President, Sound IT

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