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Managed IT Helps You Get On Top of Your Business Technology 

Posted on 2021-05-14 09:16:08



Everything can grind to a halt when your technology breaks down. Clients can’t get in touch, orders can’t be placed, the phones stop working, emails start piling up. Even the coffee machine stops flowing…OK, maybe not that last one. 

But if the wrong piece of technology breaks, like your computer workstations or network, it can completely ruin your day and cost your business cash and time.

Why do things break in the first place? How do computers become hostages to criminals? And what can your business do to reduce the risk of it happening in the first place? 

This is where you need trusted partners who have your business's best interests at heart. A partner doesn’t just wait for things to break, and then fix them. Instead, they closely monitor your technology. Maintaining devices and software proactively to stop things going wrong. No more ruined days.

While some of those issues can be because the machines have become old and obsolete (a controllable condition), others can be from external factors. Like hackers seeding your systems with ransomware. In either case, investing in a Managed IT program can prevent your business from coming to a screeching halt.

Sound IT's bundle of Managed IT services does everything from protect and monitor your computer security to assure consistent and timely updates to software. And service technicians are available to come to your site in the event something really dramatic happens to your devices.

Hit reply to this email or give me a call at (425) 654-2502 if you’d like to talk about how we can help you have nothing but good days with your tech! 

We’re here to help!


If you need technical support, feel free to call us at (425) 654-2502 or use our support request form.